__________________________________________________Court File No. C4-99-1250
William N. Matthews
Solid Rock Church, Inc.
Terrence J. Fleming and William F. Stute, Attorneys for Defendants
Lindquist & Vennum P.L.L.P., 4200 IDS Center, 80 South Eight Street,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404-2205.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICEthat this response is Plaintiffs' Answer made pursuant
to Minnesota Civil Procedure Rule 34.02, which states: "A party who produces
documents for inspection shall produce them as they are kept in the usual course of
business at the time of the request or, at the option of the producing party, shall
organize them to correspond with the categories in the request."
REQUEST NO. 1:All documents that you contend support, or that refer or relate
to, your claim that Defendants committed fraud upon you.
ANSWER NO. 1:All documents related to this REQUEST are located at either:
10, Suite 130, Elk River, Minnesota 55330.
Documents located on the Internet at Plaintiffs' web site may be freely inspected
and copied at any time 24 hours a day by defendants.
Documents located at Plaintiffs' office may be inspected and copied at the
convenience of the Defendants during normal office hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday except during the dates of August 30 through September 3, 1999 when
these documents will be available between the hours of 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Documents will
be unavailable on September 6-7 due to Plaintiffs' State Fair schedule.
Defendants are instructed to notify Plaintiff in advance of the date and time they
wish to inspect and copy documents so Plaintiff can arrange his schedule accordingly.
Plaintiff maintains a contemporaneous diary and log of his life for the 24 hours of
each day and has conducted this practice for the last 15-20 years in anticipation of
potential litigation. Plaintiff claims work-product privilege to all such material and the
entries on all dates exclusive of the actual dates involved for the meetings that
Defendants' claim to have held in the filings made to the Minnesota Secretary of State.
Plaintiff has certain work-product or attorney-client privileged communications,
which may include written letters, email letters, computer files, audio-tape or video-tape
records with one or more of the following entities: the Minnesota Attorney General, the
Sherburne County Attorney, the Sherburne County Sheriff, the City of Elk River Police
Chief; the Internal Revenue Service; the Elk River Star News and, former or current
members of Solid Rock Church.
REQUEST NO. 2:All documents that you contend support, or that refer or relate
to, your claim that Defendants fraudulently induced you to transfer 545,000 shares of
common stock in Attic Technology, Inc., into the name of the Rock Solid Church.
ANSWER NO. 2:Plaintiff has no documents that relate to the transfer of
common stock into the name of the Rock Solid Church.
REQUEST NO. 3:All documents that refer, relate, or reflect on the transfer of any
shares of common stock in Attic Technology, Inc., from you or Attic Technology, Inc. to
ANSWER NO. 3:Plaintiffs' answer is the same as ANSWER No. 1.
REQUEST NO. 4:All documents that refer, relate, or reflect on any incorporation
filings made by Defendants with the Minnesota Secretary of State.
ANSWER NO. 4:Plaintiffs' answer is the same as ANSWER No. 1.