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We all know that Abraham gave to Melchizedek, the priest of the most high God, "tithes of all"
(Gen. 14:20). Many proponents of tithing are using this verse to "prove" tithing is valid (as some
"eternal principle") for the church today, because Abraham, the father of our faith, established the
principle. They normally never mention what God said about tithing from the book of
Deuteronomy because it is "the Law" - as if God did not know about Abraham's "eternal principle"
when He established the Law. I would think that the real reason is this: what God said in the Law
contradicts what these "teachers" would like us to "know" about tithing. So, let's examine the
"Abraham's tithing principle".
  1. Abraham gave 10% to the priest. (Ref. Gen. 14:20) Comment: so far, so good.
  1. Abraham gave from the spoils he repossessed from the enemy kings. (Ref. Gen. 14:20-23;
    Heb. 7:4)Comment: This fact has been mostly ignored by those preaching the"Abraham's
  1. Abraham gave the remaining 90% to those to whom the goods belonged inthe first place. (Ref.
    Gen. 14:23)Comment: as in 2 above.
  1. Abraham gave only once in his lifetime (as far as the Bible recorded). Comment: as in 2 above.
  1. Abraham had not touched his own property or income (he was exceedingly wealthy).
    Comment: as in 2 above.

It appears to me that proponents of the "Abraham's principle" are very selective: they adopt one out
of five points from Abraham's example on tithing - or possibly two out of six, if we add the
"principle" that Melchizedek, after receiving tithes, did not appear to be accountable to anyone on
the use of the tithes.

It is worth mentioning here another example of God's people giving to those who are called into
His ministry. This event took place, like the Abraham's tithing incident, before the law of tithing
became effective. Like Abraham, the Israelites won a battle over an enemy and got hold of a great
spoil. And here is what GOD COMMANDED them to do:

Num. 31:25-30 Now the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Count up the plunder that was
taken... and divide the plunder into two parts, between those who took part in the war...
and all the congregation. And levy a tribute for the Lord on the men of war... one of every
five hundred of the persons, the cattle, the donkeys and the sheep; take it from their half,
and give it to Eleazar the priest as a heave offering to the Lord. And from the children of
Israel's half you shall take one of every fifty, drawn from the persons... from all the
livestock, and give them to the Levites who keep charge of the tabernacle of the Lord."

A great giving principle commanded by God! When was the last time you heard THIS particular
giving example mentioned in your church? Two percent of one half of the spoil - that is, ONE
PERCENT only of the total - to the Levites, and only a tenth of that to the priests! Surely, this
must have been some mistake - it doesn't line up with the modern-day teaching!

This is the essence of my argument. Our teachers use THEIR teaching to judge the validity of the
word of God: if it doesn't line up they never mention it in the church. Shouldn't it be the other way
round? If THEIR teaching doesn't line up with the word of God, IT should never bementioned in
the church.

The Truth About Tithing, Tenth Edition Page 7 of 16