Court File No. ___________
William N. Matthews
Solid Rock Church, Inc.
Terrence J. Fleming and William F. Stute, Attorneys for Defendants
Lindquist & Vennum P.L.L.P., 4200 IDS Center, 80 South Eight Street,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404-2205.
that, pursuant to Rule 36.01 of the Minnesota Rules
of Civil Procedure, you are requested and required to furnish answers to the following
Requests for Admissions to Edward G. Palmer ("Plaintiff") within thirty (30) days from
the date of service. The answer shall specifically deny the matter or set forth in detail the
reasons why the Defendants cannot truthfully admit or deny the matter.
1. These admission requests should be answered in accordance with the
Definitions and Instructions set forth in Plaintiffs' First Set of Interrogatories to
2. These requests for admissions are deemed to be continuing. If defendants,
defendants' attorneys or defendants' agents obtain any other information which would
add to, modify, or qualify your responses supplied herein, you are directed, pursuant to
Minn. R. Civ. P. 26.05, to give timely notice of such information and furnish the same to
3. You are required to answer these Requests for Admission by either stating that
you Admit or Deny the statement. Defendants may not give lack of information or
knowledge as a reason for failure to admit or deny unless Defendants states that a
reasonable inquiry has been made and that the information known or readily obtainable
by Defendants is insufficient to enable the party to admit or deny.
4. Any matter admitted pursuant to this rule is conclusively established unless the
Court on motion permits withdrawal or amendment of the admission.
Any admission
made by Defendants is for the purpose of the pending action only and is not an
admission by Defendants for any other purpose nor may it be used against Defendants
in any other proceeding. See Minn. R. Civ. P. 36.02.
5. This set of Request for Admissions deal exclusively with documents on file
with the Secretary of State or internal documents currently only in the possession of the
Defendants. Therefore, Plaintiff has attached no other documents to this request for
6. Organization. The term "organization" herein shall be construed to mean
Solid Rock Church, Inc. and its predecessor the Elk River Assembly of God Church as
organized under Minnesota Chapter 317, the Non-Profit Corporation Act.
7. General members or members.
The term "general members" or "members"
used herein shall be construed to mean all members at large and is not to be limited to a
single member or a member of the board or an officer. These terms refer specifically to
the entire or collective voting membership of Solid Rock Church.
REQUEST NO. 1: Admit that the organization's original Article II was changed
completely by Defendants' filing with the Secretary of State dated July 29, 1993.
REQUEST NO. 2: Admit that the organization's original Article III was changed
completely by Defendants' filing with the Secretary of State dated July 29, 1993.
REQUEST NO. 3: Admit that the organization's original Article IV was changed
completely by Defendants' filing with the Secretary of State dated July 29, 1993.
REQUEST NO. 4: Admit that the organization's original Article V was changed
completely by Defendants' filing with the Secretary of State dated July 29, 1993.
REQUEST NO. 5: Admit that the organization's original Article VI was changed
completely by Defendants' filing with the Secretary of State dated July 29, 1993.
REQUEST NO. 6: Admit that the organization's original Article VII was changed
completely by Defendants' filing with the Secretary of State dated July 29, 1993.
REQUEST NO. 7: Admit that the organization's original Article VIII was
changed completely by Defendants' filing with the Secretary of State dated July 29,
REQUEST NO. 8: Admit that the organization's original Article IX was changed
completely by Defendants' filing with the Secretary of State dated July 29, 1993.