As a business man with 28 years of
experience running small corporations, I bear direct witness to
the fraud that Mr. William N. Matthews has perpetrated upon God's church.
I deal with Articles
and By-Laws on a regular basis and I know the fraud that Mr. Matthews has
wrought. However,
there is an interesting story of God's call on my life to be HIS witness
to these events. The story
starts back in 1992 before Mr. Matthews came to Solid Rock Church which was
then called the Elk
River Assembly of God Church.
God had been urging me to go to this Pentecostal church.
My wife had some grave reservations
about the church. The previous minister left in disgrace after having been
caught in several sexual
affairs with the women of the church. Nevertheless, for a period of about
2-3 years I resisted this
call from God. Then, in 1992, I gave in and started attending the church.
I liked it. A few weeks
later, in mid 1992, God had told me to tell the temporary pastor that the
church needed to change
its name.
I still remember talking to God while shaving. "Lord,
why should I be the one to tell the minister
this? I am only visiting this church. I'm not even a
member." Of course, this went
on for about
three weeks before I just said okay. That's one of the ways I know its coming
from the Lord and
that it's not just some figment of my own imagination. Figments of imagination
disappear after a
few days. The Lord never lets you forget!
I remember distinctly meeting with the minister in the
front pew after a service. The conversation
went something like this. "I don't really know why I am here to tell you
this. However, the Lord
has asked me to give you this information. Do with it as you
please." I then proceeded to tell
that the church needed to change its name to appeal to a broader area. Elk
River sits at the junction
of four counties and several cities. A better name was needed. I hadn't been
given any name so I
just left him with the message. I remember feeling better since I had finally
done what God had
wanted me to do.
Mr. Matthews was voted Senior Pastor in September of 1992.
Wow, nearly six years has passed.
By now, brother Bill must think he really has things consolidated. Bill had
taken over. At the
time, I was thinking that I liked the direction the church was going. So,
I signed up for
membership classes with Bill in the Spring of 1993. I hadn't made up my mind
yet but I was
feeling that I needed to be there for some reason I couldn't explain. Then,
the opportunity came to
attend the business meeting to vote on the name change. No other notice of
any changes to the
Articles was provided the congregation. And, in retrospect, I am astonished
at the massive
changes that Mr. Matthews got away with. Surely the church leadership had
fallen asleep.
I decided to attend the meeting and sat all the way in
the back near a door. For easy escape, if
needed. The debate was getting intense. Many did not want to give up the
Assembly of God
appendage to the name and felt the change was not needed. Everyone was given
an opportunity to
speak. Bill was calling out to find out if there were any last speakers when
suddenly ... |