The following excerpt is part of a report written by the Associated Press and published on

America OnLine. Having recently visited the Heaven's Gate Cult, Reverend Mike Dew from

New Mexico states: "They're preying on weak Christians. . . . They'll use the terms 'Jesus' and

'God,' but not in the traditional way. . . If you're not careful, you'll miss what they're doing."
A person might ask what constitutes a weak Christian? Several answers are possible. However,

I can't think of any answer more significant than the Christian who is ignorant of God's Word.

The Christian who doesn't read and study God's Word. The Christian who just blindly accepts

what the minister says (about God's Word). Recent studies indicate that only about 15% of

Christians actually read or study God's Word (Bible). As a group, Christians faithfully trust

their ministers. Ministers are not suppose to lie. When this trust is coupled with ignorance of

God's Word, cult leaders become very powerful. Many people, in a local Christian congregation,

have never even realized that they unwittingly have become part of a cult. They don't realize

that the minister lies to them. They are ignorant of God's Word. They are ignorant about their

own ministry. "If its okay with the pastor, it's okay with me."