The confrontation with Bill Matthews' Ministry was focused on his errant tithe
teaching. Matthews would not discuss the Bible verses that contradicted his false
teachings. The confrontation did not go into the lies about the AFCM affiliation
nor the cult characteristics or the "spiritually abusive" nature of his ministry.

It should be firmly understood that the author of this report followed a distinct
progression in attempting to deal with Bill Matthews. First, the author confronted
Bill Matthews on the night of his perverted teaching in front of one of his head
ushers immediately following the service. Second, the author attempted to clear
the matter up through a meeting with assistant pastor Bill King. Third, the author
attempted to clear the matter up with a face to face meeting with Matthews.

The author was unable to resolve any issues with this ministry. Upon further
investigation, research and study, the author has concluded that Bill Matthews'
Ministry in Elk River, Minnesota is indeed a cult that is designed to serve the
needs of Matthews and his family. Further, it is a spiritually abusive ministry that
is involved in deception and fraud.

Most members of the congregation that remain would feel quite deceived if they
had any knowledge of the fact that Matthews has, without their approval,
disaffiliated Solid Rock Church from the AFCM Ministries. Bill Matthews, his
staff and his family have no authority to disaffiliate Solid Rock Church from the
AFCM Ministries without holding a meeting of the members of the congregation
and voting on the issue. In the process of this and other lies, Bill Matthews has
wrought deception upon his congregation, the Assembly of God Ministries of
Minnesota and the AFCM Ministries.

Due to its spiritual and Biblical content, some of the material presented
throughout this report may be somewhat difficult to understand for those people
who lack the prerequisite knowledge of the Bible.