Whereas Solid Rock Church of Elk River, Minnesota was formerly Elk River Assembly of God
which was created and formed under the laws of the State of Minnesota as a Non-Profit
Minnesota Corporation fully subject to Minnesota Statute 317A and other Minnesota laws; and,

Whereas said corporation's individual members fully enjoyed all of the rights granted under the
authority of said Minnesota laws including the right to "one member one vote" in accordance
with Minnesota Statute 317A.441 and certain other rights listed under Minnesota laws; and,

Whereas said members built up the ministry of this non-profit corporation through their own
personal sacrifices of time, labor, money, love, etc. for religious purposes as an Assembly of God
Ministry; and,

Whereas said corporations' real property has been identified by the City of Elk River as a piece
of prime commercial real estate highly valued of which the commercial development thereof
would be desirable since such real property within the city is extremely limited; and,

Whereas said real property of said non-profit corporation now includes several buildings, land
and other property worth an estimated Three to Five Million dollars ($3-$5,000,000); and,

Whereas Bill Matthews was a candidate for senior pastor of Elk River Assembly of God during
the fall of 1992 and at a subsequent vote of the members he was accepted as senior pastor; and,

Whereas the corporation was then supervised by a group of five or more elders in accordance
with Titus 1:5 whereby said elders were overseers and functioned as the board of directors
holding the pastor accountable to the members of this non-profit religious corporation; and,

Whereas the elders have been dropped and all members' rights granted under Minnesota law
have been subverted and taken away by the personage of Bill Matthews et al during 1996 in what
could only be described as the systematic and methodical stealing of the church and its property
away from the members of this non-profit corporation; and,

Whereas a report entitled "Godly Wisdom, Spiritual Abuse or Cult?" hereinafter "the report"
has been written to document the fraud and false teachings of Bill Matthews and is attached
hereto as "Exhibit 1" and is referenced herein by brackets with page number references where it is
deemed to be appropriate to point out additional or supporting information [p#]; and,

Whereas the report documents certain cult techniques including deception, lies and other
methods [p15, 54-57] that were used in taking away said members' property and rights; and,