People say its not New Testament. What you don't understand is the New Testament. Most of
the, most of the books were written by Jews -- they already tithed. They already tithed! It's a
given issue. It's not even open for debate. If you're a Jew that takes care of the religious aspects
of Judaism, you tithed. So, what God is talking about here when He goes to his people in Mark
chapter 4 and starts to talk to them about--is sowing.

Why? Because He wants them to enter into the land of more than enough. Or the land of
abundance. Sowing. Sowing! Now -- So we teached on tithing for a long time and finally God
says: 'Now--they need to graduate. You need to go into sowing. They need to understand
sowing.' Because --

It is what is going to get them into the land of abundance. Where you can have mega
harvest. Some 30, some 60, some 100. God's perfect will for you is to have a 100 fold

That's where the church is at. But, see, we as a church; you as a congregation; me as a pastor.
We've graduated beyond the tithing only concept into sowing.

The church has to get into mega harvest increase if we're going to be financially
equipped to bring back the last move of the Holy Ghost.

The end time harvest. It's harvest time. It takes much more dollars at harvest time than it does
at planting time. The season in God is harvest season.

You will completely miss what God has for you if you don't enter into mega harvest
increase in your finances. You'll miss it. You'll miss what God has predestined for you
if you don't get into mega harvest. Now, you can't make it happen except by sowing.
That's the only way that God has provided for us to have mega harvest increase is

This banquet. We had a banquet last year. We had a banquet. We didn't have a banquet last
year, but we had an offering last year. We had a banquet in April. We're having another banquet
right now. What God is doing. What God is doing is He's stretching you, He's stretching me,
He's stretching you. I'll be honest with you; I almost canceled this banquet. We had obstacle
after obstacle after obstacle.

Uh, I think Dawn was the one that got up and said it was hard to go to Israel. It's hard. Well, it
is hard. If it was easy, everybody would do it. If it was easy, everybody do it. They don't do
it. If it was easy, everybody would have mega harvest increase. But there's conditions we have
to meet. There's things we have to do. We have to abide by God's principles and laws and
follow them. And follow them closely because God is a God of order. So we have to know
them. And, the Bible says in Mark chapter 4: 'Unto us is given the right to understand or know
these parables.' And if we can understand and know this parable, we can know all parables. And
we can understand the kingdom.