In order to save you both some decision making time, I am addressing this letter to the two of
you along with the other parties copied on the original letter to Mr. Matthews. I have added Mr.
Matthews' parents to the list below because of my concern for other members of his family and
the very serious nature of this matter. Your letter of June 6 provides written confirmation of
what I had suspected may be the case. Without question or doubt, Mr. Matthews has
committed fraud.

To eliminate any possible confusion, I will be perfectly blunt. I believe that I am in possession
of all the facts and documents that I need to file a criminal fraud complaint against Mr.
Matthews. I plan on filing that fraud complaint with both the Sherburne County Attorney and
Minnesota's Attorney General's Office precisely at 1:00 p.m. on Monday, June 30, 1997 via
registered certified mail.

The only thing that will prevent this is the resignation of Mr. Matthews and his staff and the
immediate surrender of all church property back to the Minnesota District Assemblies of God
Ministries. In my letter of April 15, I had asked that the church be returned to its members and
AFCM. However, upon review of Mr. Beirute's letter of June 6, this is no longer acceptable.

This decision is yours, Mr. Matthews. However, and again, be advised that virtually every
single document that I obtain will be made public including the June 6 letter from Mr. Beirute
which has already been given to the Elk River Star News. There is no room for negotiation. If
you want me to cease my activities, surrender all church property back to the Minnesota District
Assemblies of God Ministries from whom you first stole it. Do this by June 30 which is less
than 19 days away.

Now let me deal with a few items from the June 6 letter. First of all, rest assured that I have
obtained the requisite legal advice prior to entering into this arena. I am the CEO of a small local
manufacturing company and have been a corporate officer, director and shareholder of many
companies over the last 20 years. I have a complete law library which does include the
Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation Act of which Solid Rock was first created. I take all of these
issues very seriously. Never in my life have I ever seen such a clear case of fraud and

If you would like to sue me, that certainly is one of your options. However, be prepared for the
following: A) I have a constitutional right to free speech; B) The public has a right to know these
things; C) You will have to prove that the truth I speak are lies as you claim them to be; D) You
will be counter sued immediately and without hesitation; and, E) The venue is Sherburne County,