Committing suicide seems like the act of a crazy person. A mental case. The illogical act of a
sick person. However, to the people at Heaven's Gate, this was simply not the case. It was, in
fact, probably a very logical "next step" to many--if not all--of them. Think about it for a
moment. Many of the men in this cult were castrated. They had already cut their testicles off.
What a female friend of mine said is very true. "If these men had the guts to cut their testicles
off, suicide was not that big of a deal for them."
However, fast forward a few years to a second scenario. You joined the cult years earlier and
now fully and unquestionably agree with the thinking of the leader of the cult. You believe he is
"anointed" of God. Maybe, you even believe he is Jesus himself (in His second coming). At
some point, as an act of loyalty to the leader, you get yourself physically castrated. This proves
that you are no longer tied to "this world." And, for sure, that you are not tied to "this body"
anymore. You are of God's Kingdom--not of this world. The cult leader even quotes Bible
verses to you such as John 15:19 "As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen
you out of the world." The phrase "out of the world" in this Bible verse certainly has some
interesting connotations in the context of the Heaven's Gate cult. Doesn't it?
The cult leader espouses you on a regular basis to study God's Word, but he keeps you so busy
(with church activities) working for the cult that, on a practical basis, there is no time available to
study God's Word (or to visit with friends and family). You, instead, take the cult leader's word