Whereas all property and authority in this Minnesota non-profit corporation currently
resides solely with "Bill Matthews and his board" according to his Tulsa, Oklahoma
based attorneys [p68-69] indicating that he has successfully stolen the property away from
the founders and other members of this Minnesota non-profit corporation which did
disenfranchise the members and the Minnesota District Council of the Assemblies of
God Ministries in the process and did place all corporation property under the firm
control of his family; and,

Whereas the essence of the above actions by Bill Matthews et al soundly appears to be
illegal under Minnesota's Non-Profit Corporation Act and other Minnesota laws; and,

Whereas said actions appear to constitute fraud; therefore be it

RESOLVED that the Minnesota State Attorney General's Office use his remedial powers under
Minnesota Statute 317A.813 (& other powers) and that the Sherburne County Attorney's Office
working in conjunction with the State Attorney General initiate and conduct a thorough and
intensive fraud investigation of Bill Matthews and his ministry located at Solid Rock Church,
11800 196th Avenue NW, Elk River, Minnesota 55330; be it further

RESOLVED that said fraud investigation determine the entire extent to which the corporations'
property and members' rights were subverted and transferred out of the members' control, the
individuals that were responsible for this fraudulent conversion of real property and to whom or
where said real property and rights therein were transferred to; be it further

RESOLVED that said non-profit corporation's property be then returned in its entirety to its
members and the Minnesota District Assemblies of God Ministries. That a date preceding any
action of Bill Matthews be established for recreating a membership list that is untainted by the
actions of Bill Matthews et al. That said members on said membership list be notified and
gathered together for the forming of a new organization or a reconstituting of the old organization
so that the furtherance of this ministry for God may be enabled; be it further

RESOLVED that the state seek relief at law and in equity and in whatever else is deemed just.

I attest that the issues presented herein represent the truth as I know it to be. That I
attended this ministry (Elk River Assembly of God and then Solid Rock Church) from the
period of time from July 26, 1992 through and inclusive of November 20, 1996 and that I
bear witness along with others to the above actions. Further, I attest that I was a member
of this non-profit corporation (church) from July 14, 1993 through December 23, 1996.