Since your law firm is based in the same city as AFCM Ministries, Tulsa, Minnesota state
attorneys may have other areas they want to explore such as possible collusion in the usurpation
of property and rights away from members of Solid Rock and the AG Ministries in favor of
AFCM. This could lead to undesirable publicity for your law firm, AFCM and Mac Hammond
Ministries. Be advised that it is not I that have brought all these parties into this arena. It is Bill
Matthews. As far as I know, he is the sole party responsible for this fraud and deception of
God's Church.
For my part, I believe that your law firm, the AFCM and Mac Hammond Ministries are fully
with God. I even have a daughter and her family whom are members of Mac Hammond
Ministries at Living Word. However, like many others, all of you have been mightily deceived
by Mr. Matthews.
I would also ask you, Mr. Beirute, if you would argue in a court of law that the "board" of this
Minnesota Non-Profit corporation has the right to disenfranchise the corporations' members.
Would you? I don't think so. Yet, that is exactly what has happened. The congregation was
misled and lied to. In fact, the change to the by-laws that eliminated the Assembly of God was
made based upon the lie that the Assembly of God may imminently seize church property. This
was deception and fraud. Again, I know. I was there! Under Minnesota's Fraudulent
Conveyances Act, it must be restored to the AG. The only question Mr. Matthews has to ask
himself is exactly when. Not if!